03 January, 2016

Diagnosis Education

The e-learning provides us with the ability to build a personal of a special education for each learner in order to improve their level according to what we aspire. Educational content and nutrition tests and feedback are all centered on the level of the learner competencies and interests in personal motivated. The new direction of the industry of e-learning will take care of a lot of personal feedback, which will be managed mostly through artificial intelligence systems (AI).
Reference: Diagnosis Education

Access Date:
27th December, 2015

02 January, 2016

MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)

MOOCs expansion is one of the most important investment projects that will be the focus of companies and the bad news that in 2016 this trend will not remain open for free, but will turn to the status of profitability, benefit companies in training there staff on the one hand, and invest to sell the decisions of individuals and institutions on the other hand. The expected change will not devoid of the positives of perhaps, and the most important of which is that these decisions will be the credibility for the Academy of International Recognition of the largest business in the market.

Access Date:
19th December, 2015

Gamification in Education

The gamification of science elements of the games in the contexts of education which have nothing to do with playing as we know it, the purpose of which is to increase the acceptance of learning and development of motivating him on the basis of the natural motivation for a person to play. If the games are very difficult for the player's will desire him to challenge as well as the course materials will be the same spirit of challenge and this could be achieved through gamification. Moreover the new orientation of gamification system in education is not only as a mere tool to promote learning, but it will become a new tool to solve the many problems facing the teachers and students.
Access Date:
26th December, 2015

School as a Service

School as a Service or called for SaaS is a new trend in e-learning and technology field of education, allows students to continue their education through programs and applications of cloud, allowing schools and universities not to install applications on their own servers and it is only to register in these programs over the Internet and the price will depending on actual usage, and students can use across their own devices, making the school transformed from body overlapping realism just easy to access.

Access Date:
26th December, 2015

30 December, 2015

The smart phones

We are in a time of smart phones that abound every day and it has many people every day as well as users and developers of applications. Of course the smartphone market and tablet computers need time to take this fairly widespread among the people and this made it possible for many of the developers to do a lot of applications that serve the users of this sector in electronics manufacturing to become more useful to its users. And applications have evolved to include cloud storage the like Google, Microsoft, Apple and Dropbox. The beautiful quality of those applications did not stop and it became interesting design applications closed for the working groups and the organization of communication between members of the group. These applications are trying to allow the group to review their dealings and the discovery of what has been implemented of their plans and review their files as well.

Reference: Smart Phones

Access Date:
25th December, 2015

Virtual Reality

it took 30 years of research to be able to develop a concept or theory of virtual reality using sophisticated technological glasses. This technology began when perception to play some video games are three-dimensional so that make you a real person within the game. This was the idea of Palmer Lake, which put a sample conceived in the garage of their home at the age of 16. At the age of 21 years had founded Oculus VR company that invented the Oculus Rift which is a pair of the user wear them to see the virtual reality in which the foundations according to the game. Facebook has bought the company for $ 2 billion in the spring of 2014.
Reference: Virtual Reality
Access Date:
25th December, 2015

Compact computer

Whereas five years ago there was a lot of longing (new) to provide computers cheap laptop price to students in so-called 'developing countries', overshadowed in 2012 on the awareness of consumers who have already seized them busy such programs and large-scale initiatives in order to make this devices for students. At a time when industrialized countries are available dozens of iPad devices in educational projects, discussions are under way in the developing countries on the use of Android devices CD (E) or e-book simple (E). As it is happening in Russia, Turkey and Thailand, where they are developing plans to buy hundreds of thousands of these devices, and in some cases millions of CD computers, low-cost, there are large-scale projects are under way, and we expect to lead the enormous wave of activities in this regard.

Reference: Compact computer

Access Date:
25th December, 2015